
Thursday, October 9, 2008


McCain is falling apart. His speech is irrational and his sentences are becoming more incoherent. I think it's safe to say that Mr. Buckles is soon headed towards a nervous breakdown.

McCain continues to run his image along with the campaign into the gutter. It's not just the lies that are spewed and shouted, it's his ignorance and flat out disdain for others that differ from any of his personal or political views. Over the past few weeks we have seen the angry side of McCain. This anger comes when Johnny boy does not get what he wants. This is not a man people want in the White House after the 8 years of Bush trolling.

McCain and Palin's racist and bigoted personalities are coming to light and its so clear now that it burning their griddle knowing that they've lost. So I expect to see more racial overtones coming from their surrogates and audience members because it's all they've got.

Fear and Lies are all that pathetic little campaign has left to run on because the real issues are clearly something McCain or his wind-up doll Palin know nothing about.

Today @ 1:15pm on MSNBC McCain Campaign Spokesman T Fucker Bonds tries to do the Obama Ayers thing again...blah, blah, blah.

Let's look at Fucker's "guilt by association math equation " :

Obama served on the same Charitable board as Ayers and once said "hello" to each other = Obama terrorist loving, American hating ______(FILL IN THE BLANK).

Let's apply the same "math" to McCain:

Obama and McCain have together served in the UNITED STATES SENATE since 2004 and on numerous times been seen greeting each other = McCain terrorist loving, American hating_____(FILL IN THE BLANK).


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