GONE WITH MY WIND: McCain + Palin + Lies = Bush Admin

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain + Palin + Lies = Bush Admin

"The real pigs are the lying liars and the lies they tell".

During the last 24 hours the McSame campaign has taken yet another low road...

It's now obvious the McCain/Palin campaign is in shambles. The little convention bump every one's talking about is already evaporating as Americans become more aware that they've got nothing to run on but more of the same. McCain and Palin's pathetic campaign has no new and effective talking points because most have been debunked.
So now their only last alternative is continue to toss more shit at the wall praying something sticks.

It's a desperate Rovian tactic that was used against Al Gore, John Kerry and it's now being used against Barack Obama.

As Each day passes John McCain and Sarah Palin look and act more and more like the Bush administration, which is all but a great thing for Barack Obama.

McCain + Palin + Lies = Bush

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