
Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Living to witness this historic day is something that's hard to describe.

Watching Virginia turn blue without any doubt was very emotional.

We Did It! The Time Is Now! The Future Is Ours!

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden!

Senator Mark Warner of Virginia!

Congressmen Tom Perriello of Virginia!


Thursday, October 9, 2008


McCain is falling apart. His speech is irrational and his sentences are becoming more incoherent. I think it's safe to say that Mr. Buckles is soon headed towards a nervous breakdown.

McCain continues to run his image along with the campaign into the gutter. It's not just the lies that are spewed and shouted, it's his ignorance and flat out disdain for others that differ from any of his personal or political views. Over the past few weeks we have seen the angry side of McCain. This anger comes when Johnny boy does not get what he wants. This is not a man people want in the White House after the 8 years of Bush trolling.

McCain and Palin's racist and bigoted personalities are coming to light and its so clear now that it burning their griddle knowing that they've lost. So I expect to see more racial overtones coming from their surrogates and audience members because it's all they've got.

Fear and Lies are all that pathetic little campaign has left to run on because the real issues are clearly something McCain or his wind-up doll Palin know nothing about.

Today @ 1:15pm on MSNBC McCain Campaign Spokesman T Fucker Bonds tries to do the Obama Ayers thing again...blah, blah, blah.

Let's look at Fucker's "guilt by association math equation " :

Obama served on the same Charitable board as Ayers and once said "hello" to each other = Obama terrorist loving, American hating ______(FILL IN THE BLANK).

Let's apply the same "math" to McCain:

Obama and McCain have together served in the UNITED STATES SENATE since 2004 and on numerous times been seen greeting each other = McCain terrorist loving, American hating_____(FILL IN THE BLANK).


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain + Palin + Lies = Bush Admin

"The real pigs are the lying liars and the lies they tell".

During the last 24 hours the McSame campaign has taken yet another low road...

It's now obvious the McCain/Palin campaign is in shambles. The little convention bump every one's talking about is already evaporating as Americans become more aware that they've got nothing to run on but more of the same. McCain and Palin's pathetic campaign has no new and effective talking points because most have been debunked.
So now their only last alternative is continue to toss more shit at the wall praying something sticks.

It's a desperate Rovian tactic that was used against Al Gore, John Kerry and it's now being used against Barack Obama.

As Each day passes John McCain and Sarah Palin look and act more and more like the Bush administration, which is all but a great thing for Barack Obama.

McCain + Palin + Lies = Bush

It's Been A Long Days Night...

...the race is on

I personally cannot wait for the debates.

The VP pick that McSame has floundered to the public is nothing short or desperation that reeks of sexism, racism and tokenism.

A reformer my ass...

It's becoming laughable now that the lies are being exposed to the public. Let's see we now have....

per Diem-gate

And what's with the "Mavericks" shit? :))

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Terrorists Are Already Here...

They've been here all along...

Sources told CBS4 police found two high-powered, scoped rifles in the car along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, wigs, a bulletproof vest, a spotting scope, licenses in the names of other people and 44 grams of methamphetamine. One of the rifles is listed as stolen from Kansas.

When will White Supremacists be classified as Terrorists? The idiot that now occupies the White House continues to ignore homegrown groups that intend to do harm to America and our countrymen.

I'm talking about the White Supremacists and groups like the KKK (and their other cloaked club names). These racist, fascist thugs have been roaming around for decades and now its time The Justice Dept. labels them as a Terrorist group.

These types of groups do not hold bake sales for children, they hold gatherings with one goal in mind. That goal is to preach hate speech filled with xenophobic racist fascist lines.

Groups like this are no different that other extremists groups that do harm to innocents.

America can do better. And after Sen. Obama gets inaugurated this coming January I'm sure he will do what is right and label them a Terrorist group.

Last Night

Last night was a great start to the convention. Kennedy's speech was so powerful and uplifting I was left to wonder how Michelle will come out and deliver her speech.

Michelle delivered what I would best describe as one of the most memorable speeches I've ever heard from any wife of a Presidential Candidate. Mrs. Obama's life stories with her Mother, brother and meeting Barack were the most telling of all. It gave us all a view of her life in how she became the successful woman that she is today.

Day 2 should be another great night!

Monday, August 25, 2008


So far the coverage of this year's Democratic National Convention is as expected... very lousy.
I know it's only Monday, but remembering the past all to well I'm not expecting to much change over the next 4 days.

MSNBC and CNN are having their own conventions. The 'Hillary' meme that is on rinse and repeat cycle throughout the day is so laughable, and to watch the Republicans continue on whining about the V.P. pick obviously shows how desperate they are.

The reason Republicans wanted Hillary on the ticket was to try and rally the GOP anti-Clinton crowd in hopes they could energize their base and increase voter turnout.

Now that the GOP's 6-month 'dream-ticket' has backfired you see the Republicans resorting to tactics of an average 5th grade schoolyard bully in hopes of distorting more facts into fiction, and more reality into fantasy.

The Republicans have nothing to run on... their only playbook is to smear Sen. Obama and Sen. Biden with lies while continuously playing the McCain P.O.W. card.

They've got nothing ...