
Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Living to witness this historic day is something that's hard to describe.

Watching Virginia turn blue without any doubt was very emotional.

We Did It! The Time Is Now! The Future Is Ours!

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden!

Senator Mark Warner of Virginia!

Congressmen Tom Perriello of Virginia!


Thursday, October 9, 2008


McCain is falling apart. His speech is irrational and his sentences are becoming more incoherent. I think it's safe to say that Mr. Buckles is soon headed towards a nervous breakdown.

McCain continues to run his image along with the campaign into the gutter. It's not just the lies that are spewed and shouted, it's his ignorance and flat out disdain for others that differ from any of his personal or political views. Over the past few weeks we have seen the angry side of McCain. This anger comes when Johnny boy does not get what he wants. This is not a man people want in the White House after the 8 years of Bush trolling.

McCain and Palin's racist and bigoted personalities are coming to light and its so clear now that it burning their griddle knowing that they've lost. So I expect to see more racial overtones coming from their surrogates and audience members because it's all they've got.

Fear and Lies are all that pathetic little campaign has left to run on because the real issues are clearly something McCain or his wind-up doll Palin know nothing about.

Today @ 1:15pm on MSNBC McCain Campaign Spokesman T Fucker Bonds tries to do the Obama Ayers thing again...blah, blah, blah.

Let's look at Fucker's "guilt by association math equation " :

Obama served on the same Charitable board as Ayers and once said "hello" to each other = Obama terrorist loving, American hating ______(FILL IN THE BLANK).

Let's apply the same "math" to McCain:

Obama and McCain have together served in the UNITED STATES SENATE since 2004 and on numerous times been seen greeting each other = McCain terrorist loving, American hating_____(FILL IN THE BLANK).


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain + Palin + Lies = Bush Admin

"The real pigs are the lying liars and the lies they tell".

During the last 24 hours the McSame campaign has taken yet another low road...

It's now obvious the McCain/Palin campaign is in shambles. The little convention bump every one's talking about is already evaporating as Americans become more aware that they've got nothing to run on but more of the same. McCain and Palin's pathetic campaign has no new and effective talking points because most have been debunked.
So now their only last alternative is continue to toss more shit at the wall praying something sticks.

It's a desperate Rovian tactic that was used against Al Gore, John Kerry and it's now being used against Barack Obama.

As Each day passes John McCain and Sarah Palin look and act more and more like the Bush administration, which is all but a great thing for Barack Obama.

McCain + Palin + Lies = Bush

It's Been A Long Days Night...

...the race is on

I personally cannot wait for the debates.

The VP pick that McSame has floundered to the public is nothing short or desperation that reeks of sexism, racism and tokenism.

A reformer my ass...

It's becoming laughable now that the lies are being exposed to the public. Let's see we now have....

per Diem-gate

And what's with the "Mavericks" shit? :))

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Terrorists Are Already Here...

They've been here all along...

Sources told CBS4 police found two high-powered, scoped rifles in the car along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, wigs, a bulletproof vest, a spotting scope, licenses in the names of other people and 44 grams of methamphetamine. One of the rifles is listed as stolen from Kansas.

When will White Supremacists be classified as Terrorists? The idiot that now occupies the White House continues to ignore homegrown groups that intend to do harm to America and our countrymen.

I'm talking about the White Supremacists and groups like the KKK (and their other cloaked club names). These racist, fascist thugs have been roaming around for decades and now its time The Justice Dept. labels them as a Terrorist group.

These types of groups do not hold bake sales for children, they hold gatherings with one goal in mind. That goal is to preach hate speech filled with xenophobic racist fascist lines.

Groups like this are no different that other extremists groups that do harm to innocents.

America can do better. And after Sen. Obama gets inaugurated this coming January I'm sure he will do what is right and label them a Terrorist group.

Last Night

Last night was a great start to the convention. Kennedy's speech was so powerful and uplifting I was left to wonder how Michelle will come out and deliver her speech.

Michelle delivered what I would best describe as one of the most memorable speeches I've ever heard from any wife of a Presidential Candidate. Mrs. Obama's life stories with her Mother, brother and meeting Barack were the most telling of all. It gave us all a view of her life in how she became the successful woman that she is today.

Day 2 should be another great night!

Monday, August 25, 2008


So far the coverage of this year's Democratic National Convention is as expected... very lousy.
I know it's only Monday, but remembering the past all to well I'm not expecting to much change over the next 4 days.

MSNBC and CNN are having their own conventions. The 'Hillary' meme that is on rinse and repeat cycle throughout the day is so laughable, and to watch the Republicans continue on whining about the V.P. pick obviously shows how desperate they are.

The reason Republicans wanted Hillary on the ticket was to try and rally the GOP anti-Clinton crowd in hopes they could energize their base and increase voter turnout.

Now that the GOP's 6-month 'dream-ticket' has backfired you see the Republicans resorting to tactics of an average 5th grade schoolyard bully in hopes of distorting more facts into fiction, and more reality into fantasy.

The Republicans have nothing to run on... their only playbook is to smear Sen. Obama and Sen. Biden with lies while continuously playing the McCain P.O.W. card.

They've got nothing ...

Saturday, August 23, 2008



Nobody wants em...

The people of Minnesota have a message for the GOP...

Friday, July 4, 2008


JULY 04 2008


Thursday, May 15, 2008


The only thing this war criminal has to offer now if fear-mongering and more twisted lies. The words spoken in Israel today are perfect examples of a drunken cowardly man using more FEAR and LIES in hopes of distracting Americans from the real issues like the War, Economy, Energy, Heath Care, Education, and lets not forget our Country's failing Infrastructure.

This pathetic little man needs a "swift justice" kick to the nutz. May I suggest a "swift justice" kicking repeatedly everyday until his ass is the Hague on trial for his war crimes.

Mr. Bush Please S.T.F.U.!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tweety's 1-on-1 with St. McSame


Jeez... One would think Tweety could perhaps ask a real question during that whole hour.

But Sadly no...

Most if not all the questions were about Sen. Obama's comments, leading Sen. McSame down a clear path to help distort Sen. Obama's comments without challenge.

The rest of the "Q&A" were clear softball questions aimed only to deflect most of the recent flip-flops Sen. McSame has publicly made.

So as always the Traditional Media will continue to give Sen. McSame a pass while ignoring the real issues the majority of Americans have questions about and want answers to.

Chris Matthew's nonstop rhetoric combined with the OIYAAR (Only If You Are A Republican) attitude is one of many reasons we Americans are BITTER!

GOP Rep. Geoff Davis shows his Racist colors

I really hate writing about bigots and racists, but these racist comments spoken by Rep. Geoff Davis have no room in American society, especially within the halls of the United Stated Congress.
“I’m going to tell you something: That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button,” Mr. Davis said. “He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this country.”
Hopefully the people of Kentucky will vote to send his ass back home.

I've got a size 12 boot (left foot only). Any takers from Kentucky?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Linux Unhackable at TippingPoint

This should quiet some of those Apple and MS fan boys.

The prizes were $20,000 for those who would manage to break the security of the laptops in the first day, $10,000 on day two and only $5,000 on the third day.

Apple’s MacBook was first to be hacked and for the team led by Charlie Miller, an analyst at Independent Security Evaluators, two minutes were enough to break the notebook.

The team of Charlie Miller, Jake Honoroff, and Mark Daniel from Independent Security Evaluators has successfully compromised the Apple MacBook Air by exploiting a brand new 0day vulnerability in Apple's Safari web browser.

In the third and final day Shane Macaulay from Security Objectives won the Fujitsu U810 laptop running Vista Ultimate SP1 after it was installed with the latest version of Adobe Flash.

In addition he won also $5,000, which he will probably share with the friends who helped him, Derek Callaway and Alexander Sotirov.

At the end of the third day, a Sony Vaio VGN-TZ37CN laptop running Ubuntu remained unhacked.

Police arrest 80 year old anti-war protester at local mall.

But Zirkel said he was sitting in the food court drinking coffee with his wife Marie, 77, and several others when police and mall security officers approached and demanded they remove their anti-war T-shirts.

The others complied, but Zirkel said he refused, and when he wouldn't stand up to be removed and arrested, authorities brought over a wheelchair. "They forcibly picked me up and put me in the wheelchair," said Zirkel, a deacon at one of the poorest Catholic parishes on Long Island, where a devastating fire recently destroyed the rectory and storage areas.

Three Cheers to Mr. Don Zirkel for standing up for his constitutional rights. The arresting Officers Brownshirt thugs are a disgrace to the
Police uniform and should be fired, tar and feathered.

America has no place for this Fascist style of law enforcement. Hopefully someday we can exile these bastards to a country like North Korea in hopes of giving
them a taste of their own medicine.

McCain's Top Advisors Were Recently Lobbyists For Ameriquest Mortgage

More BS from the "Strait Talker".

When Sen. John McCain addressed the nation's burgeoning mortgage mess last week, he insisted it was time for a little "straight talk."

"I will not play election-year politics with the housing crisis," the GOP presidential hopeful insisted while unveiling his plan, which many have since described as friendlier to the mortgage industry than the Democrats' proposals.

What McCain did not say - which some believe smacks of politics - is that two of his top advisers were recently lobbyists for a notorious lender in the mortgage meltdown.

John Green, the senator's chief liaison to Congress, and Wayne Berman, his national finance co-chairman, billed more than $720,000 in lobbying fees from 2005 through last year to Ameriquest Mortgage through their lobbying firm, disclosure forms reviewed by the Daily News show.

Ameriquest, which since has been bought out, was forced to settle suits with 49 states for $325 million. More than 13,680 New York homeowners got taken for a ride by the company, records show.

"They would be defined as the most blatant and aggressive predatory lenders out of everybody," said Bruce Marks, head of the nonprofit Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America.

Despite their past familiarity with the issue, neither Green or Berman had any input into McCain's plan for dealing with the lending crisis, aides to the Arizona senator said last week.

"Sen. McCain has never done anything that would violate the public trust and he has never done favors for special interests or lobbyists," said McCain spokesman Tucker Bonds.

While far from a bailout for the mortgage industry, McCain's plan focuses on less regulation for lenders - in sharp contrast with proposals by Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama - and suggests as a first step convening a big meeting of top mortgage lenders.

But the migration of Green and Berman to McCain's campaign comes as the Arizona senator faces criticism on other fronts for aligning himself with lobbyists, whom McCain often derides - but relies upon to staff his campaign.

They include McCain campaign manager Rick Davis, a former telecommunications lobbyist, as well as Thomas Loeffler, McCain's national finance co-chairman, who recently helped Europe's Airbus consortium land a deal for Air Force tankers.
As usual St. McCain will be getting a free pass from the media on this whole flip-flop.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


U.S. Fatalities 4,000
U.S. Casualties 40,000
Cost 5,000,000,000,00

Bring our troops home!

Monday, March 10, 2008

More GOP Racism

Racist Rep. Steve King of Iowa by example uses his seat in Washington to spew xenophobia, bigotry and
fear mongering

A few of his quotes from last Friday...

Terrorists would be "dancing in the streets" if Democratic candidate Barack Obama were to win the presidency.

and this...

"The radical Islamists, the al-Qaida ... would be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror," King said in an interview with the Daily Reporter in Spencer.

King said his comments were not meant to demean Obama but to warn how an Obama presidency would look to the world.

"His middle name does matter," King said. "It matters because they read a meaning into that."

Seems Mr. King has some knowledge pertaining to how
-Qaida will react if Obama wins the Presidency.

Perhaps the DHS should pay a visit to Mr. King to investigate
his further knowledge of al-Qaida's future plans.

Friday, February 29, 2008

McCain adds another bigot to his "Bullshit Express"

Since last weekend the MSM has overplayed the Obama-Farrakhan hoopla to death.

So I guess its now fair game to discuss these non-issues?

Now that we can rely on 'gotcha' questions and subjects from the MSM do you think one will ask St. McCain why he proudly accepts the endorsement from the controversial Pastor John Hagee?

Yes, the same bigot John Hagee who likes to say things like this...
Hagee, pastor of the 16,000-member Cornerstone Church, last week had announced a "slave sale" to raise funds for high school seniors in his church bulletin, "The Cluster."

The item was introduced with the sentence "Slavery in America is returning to Cornerstone" and ended with "Make plans to come and go home with a slave."
and this ...
To help students seeking odd jobs, his church newsletter, The Cluster, advertised a "slave" sale. "Slavery in America is returning to Cornerstone," it said. "Make plans to come and go home with a slave." Mr. Hagee apologized but, in a radio interview, protested about pressure to be "politically correct" and joked that perhaps his pet dog should be called a "canine American."

Don't expect any hard questions or substance from the MSM while discussing John McCain.
Its all about the "Maverick" or "Strait Talk Express", while adding some bad grammar like "Democrat Party".

Just look at how the New York Times article got covered. As quickly as it became a story it became an attack on the messenger and not about the substance of the article.

Could you imagine if the story was about Hillary or Obama?

Watching the MSM fawning over McCain is truly beyond pathetic.

SNES on the XO!

I got this great tutorial from here. I only edited the code as it was incorrect on the site.

The next few days I'll be putting up a few hacks and tricks for the XO!

First Open a terminal and paste this...


Then extract it:
tar jxvf zsnes151src.tar.bz2

Go into the source directory:
cd zsnes_1_51/src/

Open up a root shell to install dependencies (the XO doesn't come with sudo):

Install dependencies:
yum install gcc gcc-c++ make nasm zlib-devel SDL-devel

Leave the root shell:

Build ZSNES. These are two separate lines:
./configure --disable-debugger --disable-opengl

Run it!

Unfortunately I haven't been able to increase the screen resolution. Larger resolutions depend on having OpenGL, which didn't work. It started up, and the display showed up for a split second, but then the screen went black and ZSNES had to be killed. You can at least center the display by going to Config -> Video and selecting "640x480 DR F".

"In just two years, we're looking like Saudi Arabia."


In the past five years, oil production in North Dakota has climbed nearly 40 percent, to about 43 million barrels last year. State officials and industry leaders say the record annual production of 52.6 million barrels, set in 1984, is within reach in a year or two as the boom continues.

In the first month of 2008, the state issued 90 drilling permits. At that pace, permits for the year will more than double the numbers for 2007.

"It doesn't look like anything is going to slow them up," said state Rep. Kenton Onstad, a Democrat from Parshall. "I think there are 17 rigs working in Mountrail County alone, and we hear that more are coming.

"In just two years, we're looking like Saudi Arabia."

What great news for the city of Parshall and the county of Mountrail.

This should bring what the residents of Parshall has been wanting for decades, and that is the rebuilding the schools along with rebuilding the failing roads and infrastructure, and finally to bring in new businesses that can create long-term jobs for the future.

More "Strait Talk" from the Bullshit express

“One thing I’m not any good at predicting is the outcome of Democrat elections,” he said Tuesday aboard his bus, dubbed the Straight Talk Express. A day earlier, he had mentioned his “Democrat friends” to a Cleveland-area audience.

Asked aboard his bus about the “ic,” he replied, “I’m sorry, I usually say Democratic. They prefer Democratic, so I try to say Democratic… It offends some members of their party, so I’ll say Democratic if that’s what makes them feel better.”

But his resolve didn’t last long. Later on that same ride, he was talking about his annoyance that Democrats take credit for the improving situation in Iraq. “To say, as Sen. Obama has said, that it’s because of the Democrat majority that we have experienced success in Iraq, that’s just beyond comprehension.”

Looking more and more old, cranky and senile ...

Saturday, February 9, 2008